The sun was out all day today. It was quite lovely!

I also tested out some yogurt today that I've never had before, vanilla yogurt (I am the fruity yogurt type). And I must say I was pleasantly surprised, vanilla yogurt chilled tastes exactly like melted vanilla ice cream. I found a winner.
In other food hunting, I made pizza today. Store-bought dough, store bought tomato sauce, and cheese (cheddar and Parmesan). On the side I tossed together a taco salad with salsa ranch dressing (1 tbsp. for every 1 1/2 tbsp. of ranch), crushed taco pieces, cheddar cheese, oh ya and vegetables! Radish, lettuce, carrots, and cabbage.
Since my meal was lacking in cooked vegetables I sauteed some mushrooms (one of the few vegetable sources of Vitamin D) with butter, dill, salt and pepper. I am kind of obsessed with cooked mushrooms, so if I have any excuse I'll make them. Funny story actually, I never really liked raw mushrooms but I'd eat them any way. Then one day this January, I was making some vegetable pot pie for my English and History class, I had tons of extra mushrooms left over that my mother cooked up and served me for dinner, I since have fallen madly in love.
My pizza looked super duper anemic so I placed a cup full of spinach on top of the hot hot pizza to wilt--> yummy. I learned this trick from a book I read by Jodi Lipper and Cerina Vincent, called How to Eat Like a Hot Chick (I know risqué title), and I recommend the 'trick'! You can toss fresh spinach in soups, in pastas, over rice, basically any hot dish you can think up.
Now, if i put both the meals I prepared, tested, and digested today on a battle field the soy chicken wrap would win. It was much more nutritious, didn't have tons of ugly cheese fat involved (instead the chapati was cooked with good unsaturated oil) , and was easy and quick. Plus it tasted just as grand as the second one.
Congratulations on your find! Do you know if there are other soy substitutes other than chicken and milk (yuck).
ReplyDeleteMmm, I love yogurt. Vanilla one of my top favorite flavours, following strawberry, and strawberry and bananas. It tastes delicious with fruit smoothies!
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